Laura Vingoe-Cram
Director, Dramaturge, Producer
by Gillian Clark
Starring: Ann-Marie Kerr
Directed by: Christian Barry and Luciana Silvestre Fernandes
Set Design by: Garrett Barker
Costume Design by: Andrea Ritchie
Sound Design by: Jackson Fairfax-Perry
Lighting Design by: Gloria Mok
Accessibility Coordination by: Sara Graham
ASL Interpretation by: Rhonda Kaassamani and Carolyn Carter
Stage Managed by: Gloria Mok
Production Managed by: Zach Faye and Patricia Vinluan
Produced by: Laura Vingoe-Cram and Colleen MacIsaac with Keep Good (Theatre) Company as part of Shakespeare by the Sea's 'By The Sea' series.
Inspired by the classic story of J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, PJ and his boys live on a boat called the S.S. Neverland (cuz, like, it's Never-On-Land). Wendy wears high-heeled flip flops while running through the woods at night. Mother Tree, our solo narrator, is a 300-year-old-tree telling the story of how the teens got to be standing on her highest branch, deciding whether they will fly, fall, or jump.
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