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by Caryl Churchill

Starring: The fourth-year class at the Fountain School of Performing Arts at Dalhousie University. 

Directed by: Laura Vingoe-Cram 

Set and Costume Design by: Katrin Whitehead 

Sound Design by: Tori Morrison 

Lighting Design by: Bruce Maclennan

Produced by: The Fountain School of Performing Arts


Director's Note:

Love and Information is over fifty scenes with more than a hundred characters. Broadly speaking, all the scenes have something to do with love and information. Caryl Churchill specifies very little about how her play should be performed. She tells us that all the characters are different in every scene, the scene ‘Depression’ is a key part of the play and that we must do the seven acts of the play in order. She doesn’t tell us who is speaking when, who the characters are, what these scenes have to do with one another and where they are meant to be located. She leaves all of this up to the creative team and the ensemble to figure out. Luckily, The Fountain School of performing arts has provided me with a wonderful team of student actors who are inventive, creative artists who have dived headfirst into Churchill’s complex matrix.

For the audience watching this play, I have no instructions. I think everyone will see something slightly different depending on where they are sitting (metaphorically speaking). I hope you ask questions, chat after the show, and make a connection with someone you didn’t know before. More than anything I really do feel that this play is about connection, how we connect as humans, the difficulty to connect, the breakdown of connection and what it means to find a real connection. Thank you to the fountain school of performing arts for giving me this fantastic opportunity to direct this incredible play.


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